Wednesday, October 30, 2019

PEST-C and marketing stratgy for Appl company Research Paper

PEST-C and marketing stratgy for Appl company - Research Paper Example In a video titled, â€Å"What makes Apple’s marketing Unique†, it emerges that Apple Company designs products with outstanding features (Integra Global Solutions, 2012). For example, when other companies conceived the possibility of developing desktops, Apple moved a step further and conceived the possibility of having a computer in the pocket. Currently, Apple’s MacBook Air is the thinnest computer in existence developed through an amazing product design and detail. Unlike other companies, Apple highlights only one outstanding feature of its products in its advertisements. Although the MacBook Air has remarkable functionality, the Apple Company utilized a unique marketing strategy and placed emphasis on the fact that the MacBook Air was the thinnest computer (OReilly, 2012). The focus on the most outstanding aspects makes Apple’s marketing unique, simple, and straightforward. The focus on a single aspect instead of numerous aspects sets a new standard for Apple product a factor that motivates potential consumers to buy the products. The video uploaded on YouTube by the Integra Global Solutions, who are experts in marketing reveals the uniqueness of Apple’s marketing strategies. Moreover, Apple Company has adopted digital marketing, which has created a buzz on the sleek design of the company’s products. Similar to its products, Apple’s online advertisements and its website focus on high levels of navigability making it easy to use for customers. Through digital marketing, the Apple Company has been able to interact with its customers and focus on highlighting the value added by its premium products. The company does not need to confuse its customers by highlighting numerous features in its advertisements (Montgomerie & Roscoe, 2013). On the contrary, its marketing strategies highlight one outstanding feature that should motivate and convince a customer that the Apple product is worth buying. Irrespective of

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Shakespeare portrays about women

Shakespeare portrays about women William Shakespeares Much Ado about Nothing is mainly based on the battle of the sexes, and the relationships that are developed between the male and female characters of the play. Moreover, in Much Ado about Nothing Shakespeare does an astounding job at distinguishing the female stereotype of the Elizabethan Era, he develops this through the two main female characters Hero and Beatrice. Hero is portrayed as the typical female of the Elizabethan Era; Hero is of good keep and a well mannered girl. While on the other hand, Beatrice is the total opposite of typical female stereotype, she possesses a quick wit and a sharp tongue. Beatrice is never one to back down; she is an independent woman with a significant amount of self esteem. Beatrices character illustrates that the play rewards both conventional and unconventional women and prejudice against women in unnecessary and unfair. Hero was introduced in Act 1 Scene 1 of the play; she was introduced as the daughter of Leonato and Beatrices cousin. In the play Hero is represented as a very quiet, and shy girl, as she barely ever says anything and when she even speaks it is always in a very respectful manner. Throughout the entire Act one all she said was, My cousin means Signor Benedick of Padua. Similarly, Hero does not speak so much throughout the Act 2 Scene 1 most of what she says is He is of very melancholy disposition referring to Don John. The reader or the audience can see that Heros attitude is similar to the way typical women during the Elizabethan Era acted. Shakespeare might have chosen to present Hero in this manner to show the sharp contrast that exists between Hero and Beatrice. Moreover, it is apparent as the play goes on for the audience to see how much Hero does look up to her cousin Beatrice, for example is when Don Pedro asks to speak to Hero about Claudio she says: So you walk softly, and lo ok sweetly, and say nothing, I am yours for the walk, and especially when I walk away. [2.1.78-79]. The audience can see that Hero uses similar replies much like the replies that Beatrice would use to tease the men around her. By the same token, the character of Beatrice was also introduced in Act 1 Scene 1 of the play, and from the very beginning of the play Beatrice unlike Hero is represented as being a very clever and out spoken woman. Shakespeare makes sure that she comes off as a woman who is not afraid to speak her mind to anyone she comes across to. This is proven in act one, scene one when the messenger comes to deliver the message that the soldiers are on their way to Messina from the war. Beatrice and the messenger start a conversation about Benedick and the messenger tells Beatrice that Benedick is a lord to a lord, a man to a man, stuffed with all honourable virtues [1.1.53-54] she quickly replies, It is so indeed, he is no less than a stuffed man, but for the stuffing well, we are all mortal. [1.1.55-56] Beatrices sudden answer shows the audience that she is a woman who is not scared to speak her mind to anyone and that she will never back down from an argument. I believe that Shakespeare wan ted represent Beatrice in this manner to make a point that during the Elizabethan Era women were clever than men could imagine them to be. In addition during the Elizabethan Era that this play was first performed women had little or no power in the society a womans main role in this society was to get married and bear children, therefore, this was a way to prove the point that women were not the second class citizens that. Or in contrast, Shakespeare could have given Beatrice this character to simply just add a little humour into the play, because the thought of an independent and outspoken woman at that time was not taken seriously and was usually a joke. Furthermore, in the present day while reading, watching a movie about a Shakespeare play or even watching a Shakespeare play live, the audience must understand that during the Elizabethan Era every character of the play would be played by a male, even if the character was supposed to be a female. For example when Beatrice says Oh, that I were a man! What, bear her in hand until they come take hands, and then with public accusation, uncovered slander, unmitigated rancour? Oh God that I were a man![4.1.300-305] during the Elizabethan Era this particular line would have had a very comical meaning to the audience, because it would actually have been a male portraying a female character who would says this particular line, the present day audience does not grasp this irony because today, women are allowed to have part in the theatre and are not excluded. In fact another interesting thing to note about the Much Ado About Nothing is that even though Shakespeare is a male writer he was not a bias writer and in this play he showed that by not always letting the male characters win arguments or come out on top of any situation. Surely, in many situations it was the female characters that would come out on top, a great example of this is when in Act 4 Scene 1 Hero was accused of being unfaithful to Claudio. At first, the Claudio seemed triumphant in accusing an innocent woman; however, by the end of the play he is embarrassed to know that he was tricked into believing that Hero was being unfaithful when all along she was true to Claudio. Another, wonderful example of a woman coming on top is when Don Pedro and Beatrice are talking in Act 2 Scene 1 and Don Pedro asks Beatrice to marry him and she rejects him in a gentle way: DON PEDRO: Will you have me, lady? BEATRICE: No, my lord, unless I might have another for working days. Your grade is too costly to wear every day. But I beseech your grace pardon me, I was born to speak all mirth and no matter [2.1.300-304] One can never understand why Shakespeare would choose to do this but one can guess that it would either be humorous to the audience, because it would have been highly unlikely that during the Elizabethan Era a woman would prove a man wrong, or it may have been to illustrate that prejudice against a women of that time was wrong. In contrast, while the relationships between people of the same sex are very strong in Much Ado About Nothing; relationships within the opposite sex are diverse. The strongest example of this is in Act 4 Scene 1 when Hero is wrongly accused of being unfaithful to Claudio; Heros father Leonato believes a rumour rather than his beloved daughter: LEONATO: O Fate, take not away thy heavy hand! Death is the fairest cover for her shame That may be wished for. [4.1.115-117] Moreover, certainly this is true even in the female characters because, right after Hero got accused of being unfaithful Beatrice jumped in and said, O, on my soul, my cousin is belied! [4.1.146] one may think that Shakespeare that people of the same sex are much more likely to trust each other because they are more likely to understand the situation and can relate more to what that person might be going through. In contrast relationships between men and women in this play is a very diverse, one can see that there are two relationships in the play that show this diversity between men and women in Much Ado About Nothing. One relationship is the one between Hero and Claudio and the second one is between Beatrice and Benedick. Both of these relationships are very different; the relationship that Claudio and Hero have is merely based on Claudio wanting to marry Hero because of her wealth and her status. This can be seen because when Claudio finds out that the accusation he made towards H ero were untrue in Act 5 Scene 1, Leonato offers Heros identical cousin to be Claudios bride and he accepts without a second thought. LEONATO: My Brother hath a daughter, Almost the copy of my child thats dead, And she alone is heir to both of us. Give her the right you should have given her cousin, And so dies my revenge. CLAUDIO: O noble sit Your over-kindness doth wring tears from me. I do embrace you offer [5.1.278-284] This shows the audience that Claudio is not really in love with Hero he is in fact in love with the idea of Hero and the wealth that she will bring him. By the same token, this was very typical for men and women of the Elizabethan era to marry only for wealth and status, this is called dynastic marriage. In contrast to Hero and Claudios relationship, one can see that the relationship that Beatrice and Benedick have is real and that they truly do love each other. An example is when Beatrice and Don Pedro are talking at the ball in Act 2 scene 1 and Beatrice confesses that she and Benedick did have a fling: BEATRICE: Indeed, my lord, he lent it me awhile; and I gave him use for it, a double heart for a single one. Marry, once before he won it of me with false dice; therefore your Grace may well say I have lost it. Moreover, this shows the audience that there was something between them but neither Beatrice of Benedick ever talks in a detailed manner about the situation, therefore leaving a little mystery for the audience. Even though Beatrice and Benedick come across as being very aggressive, outspoken and very independent people, Shakespeare mildly starts to show the audience a little look at both of their softer sides. Furthermore, one can also see that their love is real because when Benedick hears Leonato, Don Pedro, and Balthasar talking in Act 2 Scene 3 about how Beatrice really loves Benedick, one can see that Benedicks true feelings come out and he said, When I said I would die a bachelor, I did not think I should live till I were married [2.3.233-235]. Same situation happened for Beatrice when she overheard Hero and Ursula talking about the love that Benedick has for her. After Hero and Ursula leave Beatrice states in her Soliloquy What fire is in mine ears? Can this be true? Stand I c ondemned for price and scorn so much? [3.1.107-108] this shows how shocked she really is that she comes across to Benedick as being so cold-hearted, she than goes to say No glory lives on behind the back of such. And Benedick love on, I will requite thee, Taming my wild heart to thy loving hand. If thou dost love, my kindness shall incite thee To bind our loves up in a holy band. [3.1.110-114] this change of heart that Beatrice has towards Benedick shows the audience that she is not the cold-hearted person everyone has come to know. Moreover, the audience feels more sympathetic towards Beatrice because she shows her genuine side that is willing to change herself to show a man how much she loves him. In conclusion, I think that at the end Shakespeares Much Ado About Nothing does break all of the women stereotypes of the Elizabethan Era, and through different characters shows that prejudice against women in unnecessary and unfair. Moreover, Shakespeare managed to write a comedy that made fun of the battle of the sexes during the Elizabethan Era and showed that women were not just second class citizens, and that they had more of a role within the society.

Friday, October 25, 2019

menopause Essay -- essays research papers

 ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Menopause is the time in a woman’s life when the function of the ovaries ceases. The ovary, or female gonad, is one of a pair of reproductive glands in women.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The process of menopause does not occur overnight, but rather is a gradual process. This so-called perimenopausal transition period is a different experience for each woman.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The average age of menopause onset is 51 years old. There is no single method to predict when a woman will experience menopause.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The age at which a woman starts having menstrual periods is not related to the age of menopause onset.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A women is in menopause when she has had no menstrual periods (menses) for 12 months and has no other medical reason for her menses to stop.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Symptoms of menopause can be divided into early and late onset symptoms. Early symptoms include abnormal vaginal bleeding, hot flashes, and mood changes. Late symptoms include vaginal dryness and irritation, osteoporosis, and heart disease.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Treatments for menopause are directed toward alleviating the symptoms present in the particular woman affected. *What is menopause? Menopause is the time in a woman’s life when the function of the ovaries ceases. The ovary, or female gonad, is one of a pair of reproductive glands in women. They are located in the pelvis, one on each side of the uterus. Each ovary is about the size and shape of an almond. The ovaries produce eggs (ova) and female hormones. During each monthly menstrual cycle, an egg is released from one ovary. The egg travels from the ovary through a fallopian tube to the uterus. The ovaries are the main source of female hormones, which control the development of female body characteristics such as the breasts, body shape, and body hair. The hormones also regulate the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. The process of menopause does not occur overnight, but rather is a gradual process. This so-called perimenopausal transition period is a different experience for each woman. Scientists are still determining all the factors that affect when this transition begins and the details of how it occurs. The average age of menopause is 51 years old. Although women tend to undergo menopause at an age simil... .... HTML1DocumentEncodingutf-8What is menopause? When does a woman know she is in menopause? Are hormone levels or other blood tests helpful in detecting menopause? What are the symptoms of menopause?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hot Flashes  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mood Symptoms  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Vaginal Symptoms  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Osteoporosis  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Heart disease What are the treatment options for menopause?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hot Flashes  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mood Symptoms  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Vaginal Symptoms  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Osteoporosis  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Heart Disease

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Heinrich Isaac; Research Paper

Heinrich Isaac is noted as a central figure in late 15th and early 16th century musical development. He was one of three leading composers of the Franco Flemish or Netherlandish School with Jakob Obrecht and Josquin Des Prez. Although Josquin Des Prez was undoubtedly the major figure of the middle renaissance and is most often mentioned before Heinrich Isaac, Isaac is one of several that also deserve recognition. Heinrich was born around ten years after Josquin in 1450-1455. Historians are somewhat certain he was born in Flemish Brabant, a province of Flanders#.Very little is recorded of Heinrich’s early life. It is believed that he was educated in the same area, the Low Countries, due to its excellent standards in musical education. Isaac is also noted to have been a pupil of the Florentine organist Antonio Squarcialupi. It is supposed that Heinrich had begun composing music by 1470. All of this is very hard to establish; the first documented reference to Heinrich Isaac is da ted September 15, 1484, thirty or so years after his estimated birth.This document comes from Innsbruck, southwest Austria and refers to Heinrich as a hired member of a royal choir owned by Duke Sigismund of the House of Hapsburgs. The following year Heinirch traveled to Florence. Multiple documents show that Isaac acquired a position in 1485 as a designated singer at the church Santa Maria del Fiore, commonly known as the Duomo. Heinrich Isaac was known for his close association with the Medici family. It is suspected that Lorenzo de’ Medici was responsible for Isaac’s move from Innsbruck.Heinrich maintained close ties with the family throughout his entire life. He is said to have worked for the Medicis as an organist and a musical teacher however recent findings of documentation explain that â€Å"the Medici’s organist† was a title held by another Isaac. Isaac did work with the family as a teacher and choir director. While in Florence Isaac composed a g reat deal of music including masses and motets. Some of these linked Heinrich’s association with the Medici family. Lorenzo died in 1492 and Piero inherited everything including his father’s musical groups.Isaac wrote two motets in remembrance of Lorenzo. Piero took these groups to Rome to perform for the coronation of Pope Alexander VI. This was the same time and the same pope by which Michael Angelo was commissioned to reconstruct St. Peter’s Basillica. The Medici family was banished from Florence in 1494. In 1496 Heinrich was employed by Maximilian I the newly Holy Roman emperor. In 1497 Isaac was appointed court composer of the Hapsburg empire. Payment documents impose that Isaac traveled with the court through Augsburg, Wels, and Innsbruck between 1497 and 1501.Around 1502 Heinrich traveled to the Este court in Ferrera, Italy to compete with Josquin des Prez for a position. We do have a letter from the family that reads â€Å"Isaac is a disposition among h is companions, and he will compose new works more often. It is true that Josquin composes better, but he composes when he wants to and not when one wants his to. † Recent scholarship says that Isaac never asked for the job. Heinrich was commissioned by the Constance cathedral in 1508 after traveling though Constance, Augsburg, and Florence for several years to write his outstandingly large Choralis Constatinus.Isaac returned to Florence in 1514 and died in 1517. Though most sources confirm that Isaac fled from Italy, newer historical findings suggest that Isaac actually never left Florence. Not only did Isaac not leave Florence after Lorenzo’s death but Heinrich Isaac later married a native Florentine, settled down, and became an established citizen of Florence. Isaacs’s marriage was supposedly arranged through Lorenzo Medici. Isaac was able to include both German and Italian aspects in his work, something that made him very distinct from his contemporaries.Most contemporary composers, who called themselves Florentines like he did, limited their traveling to France and Italy. Heinrich is described as one of the most prolific composers of his time. He made significant contributions to both secular and church music; of Germanic and Italian influence; of the splendor of the church and the secularism of the renaissance of which he was such a part of. â€Å"His work spanned from Flemish styled polyphony to bright Italian and French love songs, from ceremonial music expressing the pageantry and power of the church and state to rollicking songs in French,Italian and German embodying the popular, secular spirit of the Renaissance, and from rich choral textures for the church to exquisite chamber music for courtly entertainment. †# Isaacs output includes about forty Mass Ordinaries, 100 proper mass cycles (though most were published posthumously in the three- volume Choralis Constantinus), over fifty motets; and close to fifty secular songs m ade of French chansons, Italian Frottole, and a large amount of German Tenorlieder. Isaacs best known work is probably Innsbruch, ich muss dich lassen, a Tenorlieder written on the theme of a Germanic folk song.The same melody was used for the Lutheran chorale O Welt, Ich Muss Dich Lassen. Later both J. S. Bach and J. Brahms used the famed theme. Heinrich Isaac’s significance stands not only in his scope and quality but also in his influence particularly seen in Germany. Heinrich acted as an ambassador of the Netherlandish style to Germany. Heinrich had a great effect on the musical development of Germany, leading it into the mainstream European musical tradition and the further development of contrapuntal music.Heinrich’s music directly influenced German composers like Bach and Brahms who in turn influenced aspects in all of western music. As a professionally successful musician and patroned person of the three most powerful men in Europe, Heinrich Isaac’s musi c was most definitely seen and heard. Sources- The New Oxford History of Music: volume III Wikipedia Encyclopedia Britannica online www. bach-cantatas. com Absorbing Heinrich Isaac by David J Burn, Blake Wilson, And Giovanni Zanovello

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Dismissing A Worker For Misconduct

As an HRD Manager what steps you will initiate before dismissing a workman found guilty of misconduct where there is the presence of a strong employees union.Union or no union, any employee at any level within an organization, should not be spared for misconduct and appropriate action should be taken as per the organization’s policies and principles. Having said that the employee in question should be given ample scope, support and assistance to defend his or her case.Upon knowledge of such incidence with a worker, the HRD manager,1. Check with the file of the worker, the details of such as the date of association and other relevant information. 2. He has to check whether it’s a case of habitual misconduct or a gross misconduct. 3. In case of habitual misconduct he has to gather the information of the previous incidences, actions taken and remedial corrections on part of the worker, if any. 4. Habitual misconducts include late coming, absenteeism; taking frequent breaks etc. the worker and the supervisor should be sensitized on the gravity of the misconduct and corrective course suggested.5. In case of a grave misconduct, the worker should be called in and asked to give an explanation. 6. The case has to be briefed to him in detail and he should be asked to present his side of the story. 7. The HRD Manager has to ensure beforehand that all details regarding the case are with him and he is through them thoroughly before sitting with the worker. 8. After the worker has put his case, the manager has to come to a conclusion whether there is a case in the first place. When evidence of misconduct is apparent, he should seek whether the worker accepts the charges. 9. There could be three consequences:a. the worker accepts the charges b. the worker partially accepts the charges c. the worker still denies misconduct.10. When the worker has accepted having done misconduct, appropriate disciplinary action should be initiated as per the policies of the establ ishment. 11. The same needs to be intimated to the union.12. Any further interference on part of the union becomes wrong and chance are that no such interference will take place once the worker has agreed in writing of the misconduct. 13. When the worker has accepted only some of the charges, the HRD manager ahs to establish whether the charges accepted amount to any substantial punishment or not. 14. Show cause notice needs to be issued to the worker and appropriate action taken. Union should be intimated of the same.15. In case of non acceptance and partial acceptance to other than grave issues, a domestic inquiry should be initiated using a designated internal investigating officer. 16. When the report of the internal investigation substantiates the misconduct, the union needs to be informed and taken into confidence. 17. When there are chances of resistance from the union, the HRD manager should sit with the representative of union and win his confidence. One can use lines such as, â€Å"this time he has done this with the establishment, next time he may as well ruin the union reputation†.18. Post union’s confidence appropriate action should be taken. 19. In case of disagreement and incorrect interference and influence by the union, the case should be taken to a tribunal or labour court. 20. In the state of Tamil Nadu, a worker found guilty of misconduct should be given a Final Show Cause Notice, after the report of the internal inquiry. 21. Disciplinary action may, depending on the gravity of the issue, be warning, suspension for a maximum period of 4 days or dismissal. 22. When the worker in question is an office bearer of the union, the relevant provisions of the Industrial Disputes Act should be referred to and adhered.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Essay Hooks from Bloggers Make Your Professor Plunge into Your Paper

Essay Hooks from Bloggers Make Your Professor Plunge into Your Paper Essay Hooks from Bloggers: Make Your Professor Plunge into Your Paper Blogging has to be persuasive and informative, written with a rich and distinct voice. You can’t just pick a pen†¦ err, get your hands on a keyboard†¦.and start giving your thoughts words. Blogging is fun and quite different to other forms of writing, including academic writing. However, it does not mean that essay writing has nothing in common with blogging. At the end of the day, it is all about putting your thoughts out there. Plus, there is a lot one can learn from blogging when it comes to essay writing. Students who are struggling to find a way to express their ideas in essays can look to the numerous tricks bloggers use. A blog writer has to appeal and reach out to thousands of users. This isn’t as easy as it sounds one has to come up with great ways to do just that. So without much ado, let’s have a look: Essay Hooks: the Rubicon of Attention An essay hook is the beginning part of your essay. It is usually comprised of one to two sentences. Consider it the Rubicon of the reader’s attention. Help them cross it by making your hook interesting. Students can use tried and tested blogging techniques to lend an interesting dimension to their academic work. And let’s face it; blogging is more fun than academic writing. One does have to get into the pain of citation (APA, Chicago anyone?) and can write their ideas without really having to dig deep. However, the presence of facts and stats always help, and can be a good beginning point. For example, if you’re writing a piece on smoking, you can always start with something like ‘According to stats these many deaths per year can be attributed to smoking’. This simple stat is grabbing and will hold your reader’s attention. Attention Saturated World â€Å"A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention† Martin Greenberger Today’s bloggers live in an attention-saturated world. The readers have a lot of options to go to, and it is getting more and more difficult to grab their attention. However, a number of bloggers are successfully doing it and one can learn a lot from them. One of the most important points is to make your writing appealing and readable. Effective writing needs to include a hook that will draw in the reader. It must keep them glued without going the predictable route. If they already know what’s coming next, they’ll lose interest. It’s definitely not your favorite thriller’s script, but it has to be attention grabbing. Making others read your words is not an easy task, and convincing them with the help of written material is an even tougher battle. This becomes much more difficult when your target audience is a busy professor who is forced to read hundreds of essays and papers every day. If your goal is to write an interesting essay and get good grades then double your efforts and get creative. Instead of using turn of the century vocabulary, use short and simple words that are easy to comprehend. Also, try to summarize your sentences and make sure the point is easily delivered. Hooks That Will Reel in the Bait What kind of forms can hooks take? There are lots of styles and forms you can use. There are a few suggestions given below that will work in almost all types of essays. Feel free to get as creative as you want. Interesting Story or Anecdote A bit unorthodox but don’t be afraid of using these. Just keep it short and make sure it fits into the overall argument you make. You can even tell your readers about ‘one time this happened with me†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ and of course, the anecdote does not have to be true! It works with bloggers just fine. Question? A thought-provoking question will almost instantly get your readers hooked. They will continue to read just to get to the answer. Formulate questions that do not have simple â€Å"Yes† or â€Å"No† answers. Questions that invoke views across a spectrum are easier to address in the essay. For example, if you’re writing about divorce issues, start with something like ‘Are divorces really due to couple’s own mistakes?’. This will make people think and they’d like to read what you have to say on this matter. Literary Quote An appropriately used literary quote will serve as a great hook. Choose a relevant one and it will also serve an introduction to the ideas you will be exploring. Quote from a Famous Person The words of a popular person hold authority and influence. Writing a quote from a speech is a great hook, but make sure the quote is relevant to your topic and you also mention the person. Visual Senses Describe a visually appealing or emotional scene in vivid words and details. Important Statistic These must be properly researched and established numbers in order to have the powerful effect. Make sure you use authoritative sources and proper attribution. A proven fact will make the reader want to know more, as given in the smoking example above. Interesting/Shocking Fact Use something that isn’t well-known but relevant. It should be related to what you are going to describe. Writing hooks will become easier with practice. Try to get your professor’s detailed feedback. It will help whether the feedback is negative or positive. Most teachers will have set office hours or hold short question/answer sessions. If the feedback is positive it will serve to motivate you and if negative it will help guide your efforts in the right direction. At you can get a custom written essay online, starting at $13/page only. We hire the best academic writers to provide college students with professional essay writing assistance.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Masking Emotions and Mental Wars essays

Masking Emotions and Mental Wars essays When an individual tries to cope with emotions after a certain incident in their lives, they sometimes find themselves in a confused state of mind. Some decide to express their emotions out in the open, while others choose to withhold them. Regardless, each choice has a consequence. Some deal with emotions by refusing to see the truth, while others are unable to reveal it. Sometimes the truth must come out. Others are too inexperienced with the realities of emotional traumas that they are unable to cope with their feelings. Those that keep it inside allow the emotions to build up to a point in which the person is unable to find peace within themselves. In the works Othello, by William Shakespeare and A Separate Peace, by John Knowles, protagonists Othello and Gene go through a mental war, in which they put on a persona to hide the truth from the outside world. Through this, it is shown, when the characters mask their emotions it leads to irrationality, overwhelmed jealousy an d inconsolable guilt. Logical thinking ceases to exist when Othello and Gene hide their emotions from others. Othello refuses to see the truth, whereas, Gene is unable to reveal the truth. Therefore, they begin to bury their emotions deep within themselves and eventually these feelings take over their state of mind. Rather than talking to those that it involved, Othello and Gene decide they rather bring harm to them. Genes interests lie primarily in getting good grades and studying, but he finds himself drawn to his roommate Finny who has all the qualities of a leader and a fighter. There is a personal struggle between Gene and Finny. They are best friends, but at the same time enemies. Gene is jealous of Finny and resents him; he chooses to deal with this by hiding his emotions and bringing pain to his defenseless friend. Gene in his confused state of mind decides to push Finny from the tree, Holding firmly to the tree trunk, I...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Why the South Lost the Civil War

Why the South Lost the Civil War Although the reasons for the defeat of the Confederacy in the American Civil War are debated just as energetically as the causes of the war, the answer to the question, â€Å"Why did the South lose the war?† was actually answered a long time ago. Three Reasons of the Union Victory Some years after the war ended, Confederate General George Pickett – who was actually a much better officer than his being the namesake of the famously doomed Pickett’s Charge at the Battle of Gettysburg might suggest – was asked why he thought the South lost, to which he replied, â€Å"I think the Yanks might have had something to do with it.† The Confederacy did not lose the Civil War, the Union beat them, and it was not until the very last few months of the war that it was at all clear that they would. CAUSES OF THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR The reasons for the Union victory are usually described as advantages in three areas: resources, strategy, and performance on the battlefield. While it is true that the North ultimately bested the South in all three, these advantages were for much of the war either not as great as they appear now, or were not well-applied; and the forces of the Confederacy had some considerable advantages of their own. Reason 1: Resources Confederate General Robert E. Lee certainly thought the disparity of resources between the North and South was to blame for the Confederate defeat; after surrendering the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox on April 10, 1865, he explained in his farewell address to his soldiers, â€Å"After four years’ arduous service, marked by unsurpassed courage and fortitude, declared Lee, the Army of Northern Virginia has been compelled to yield to overwhelming numbers and resources.† That was a bit of an understatement; the Union had two-and-a-half times the population of the South, had a vastly superior road and rail network, and when the war began, was producing over 90 percent of the country’s iron and very nearly all of its weapons, industrial advantages that only increased significantly as the war progressed. The Confederacy relied almost entirely on trade with Europe and the Northern states for industrial goods; for example, there was only one factory in the south – the Tredegar Iron Works in Richmond, Virginia – that was capable of producing large weapons, iron plating for ships, and heavy locomotive components. Nonetheless, the South managed to keep itself supplied for much longer than the differences in capabilities suggest it should have. While the Union blockade of the Confederacy – helped immensely by the capture of important ports such as New Orleans, Mobile, and Wilmington – did almost completely stop the flow of material from other countries after 1862, illicit trade with the North through the border states of Kentucky, Missouri, and Maryland was harder to stop, and kept a trickle of much-needed supplies flowing right up to the very end of the war. Reason 2: Strategy One aspect of the Confederate defeat that is debatable is the degree to which the strategy by which they pursued the war was imposed on them by political realities versus how much of it was the result of poor decision-making. All the South had to do was defend itself; the onus was on the North to ‘take back’ the rebellious part of the country. The Confederacy, however, comprised a huge territory, nearly 750,000 square miles. Some Southern military leaders, most notably General Joseph E. Johnston, advocated what in hindsight probably would have been a sound defensive strategy: giving up territory to defend key places like the major cities and doing most of the fighting with the North using guerrilla forces. The prevailing view, however, was that recognition of the Confederate States of America by other countries like England and France (and the desperately needed military assistance that would have come with it) was only possible if the South could demonstrate that it was a legitimate nation that could defend itself. That meant facing the Union forces in conventional fashion, defending the entire Confederate territory, and taking the fight to the Union where possible; this was the strategy preferred by Confederate leader Jefferson Davis (who unlike his Union counterpart Abraham Lincoln had extensive military experience) and General Lee. The unavoidable problem with the Southern strategic situation is that the initiative lay entirely with the North; Union forces could strike wherever it seemed most advantageous to do so, and the Confederate forces would largely be limited to reacting to it. To be fair, they did so magnificently more often than not. Lee’s repeated offensive-defensive campaigns in response to Union invasions of Virginia stymied the North – and almost ended the war in mid-1864 – until the final few months of the conflict, and even in the face of the brilliant war of maneuver conducted by Union generals Grant, Sherman, and George Thomas in the West, Confederate leaders like Johnston, Braxton Bragg (a general to whom history has, quite unfairly, not been kind), and Nathan Bedford Forrest presented a formidable challenge and delayed the eventual Southern defeat. Reason 3: Performance on the Battlefield One of the obvious reasons the Civil War was the most savage conflict ever fought by American soldiers is that from the highest generals to the lowest privates in the ranks, the two forces were so evenly matched in terms of talent and motivation, even if the advantage of numbers went to the Union. Most of the leaders on both sides had trained and served together in the pre-war Army; many were brothers-in-arms as young officers in the Mexican War 20 years earlier. The conventional view that â€Å"Southerners made better soldiers† because most of them were farmers, handy with weapons and horses and used to rough living, overlooks the fact that an overwhelming number of Union troops were from the farming states in the upper Midwest. For example, the famed â€Å"Iron Brigade† of the Army of the Potomac, one of the most-feared units in either army, and one of the few who could claim to have defeated the equally-renowned Stonewall Jackson was made up entirely of men from Wisc onsin, Michigan, and Indiana. The advantage to the Union on the battlefield largely came about because of its superiority in firepower and numbers, but also because Southern leaders made a few more bad decisions at wrong times than their Union foes. Lee’s two invasions of the North – which ended in the horrific battles of Antietam and Gettysburg – were unnecessary and costly strategic mistakes, compounded by a number of uncharacteristic errors during both campaigns. Likewise in the West, General Bragg’s outstanding victory at Chickamauga was wasted when he failed to follow up on it, allowing Grant to come to the rescue and eventually defeat Bragg at Chattanooga. Could the Confederacy have won the Civil War? The weight of evidence tips the balance towards the answer, â€Å"Probably not.† Yet the question is still interesting and worth discussing, even after 150 years. WHEN IS MILITARY FORCE JUSTIFIED? An excellent, detailed history of the Civil War can be found in James M. McPherson’s 1988 book, Battle Cry of Freedom, which explains the Civil War in-depth from the end of the Mexican War in 1847 to the tragic assassination of Abraham Lincoln in 1865.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Kernel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Kernel - Essay Example omposed of four basic elements which include; a scheduler which functions to sharing and processing time of various computer processes; a supervisor which grants permission to every process as it is scheduled; interrupt handler for handling of requests from computer hard disk components and memory manager for allocating system space Kernel’s services. Most five popular distributions of Kernel Linux include; Ubuntu, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Debian and Linux Mint. Subsequently, there are numerous shell distributions that are available for kernel, among this include, sh, bash and tcsh. (Bovet & Cesati, 2005) For every command that has been entered in the shell, the fork mechanism searches the computer’s directories using the search path within the computer’s PATH location, after which it is loaded and executed. For fast command entry, bash shell has three features, history, filename completion and aliases. The alias feature shortens lengthy commands, for instance When using several commands in bash, it is essential that alias definitions be made permanent so that the user’s source file will be executed by all login shells. This requires one to replace alias definitions in $HOME/.bash_alias with

Friday, October 18, 2019

Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Questions - Essay Example Once the research is done,researcher must ensure the safety of the information.In order to avoid ethical issues,researcher must comply with the ethical policies or guideline provided by the respective institution.For instance, Australian education departments provide their students with the ethical guidelines that are required to be strictly followed during any kind of research while working in schools.Researchers are also required to comply with university ethical acts when the research is part of degree completion(Kervin et al.,2006). Describe the steps in conducting a research inquiry, connect these to what they might look like for an educator conducting classroom based research. According to (Kervin et al.,2006),a research inquiry involves four major steps: topic selection;the literature review; literature critique; and research question or hypotheses formation. Topic Selection Selecting a topic for inquiry is a major task because all the proceeding steps depend on its validity a nd strength.Researcher must select a broad category of his or her own interest and then it must be narrowed down to as specific as it can.Researcher’s prior experiences, observations, and further research and inquiry leads to a strong and specific question in his or her area of study(Kervin et al.,2006) The Literature Review Literature review is the study of existing literature and research work done in the same area of study researcher has selected.In literature review ,researcher studies and analyses authentic primary and secondary sources,such as,books, journals, reports, and interviews.The main objective is to gather as much information and understanding as possible about the particular topic and move ahead with the research objective in mind.The new research has the potential to confirm the findings; disapprove with results or methodology;fill the gaps; and further diversify the existing research.Literature review provides the foundation of a strong research(Kervin et al .,2006) Critiquing the Literature Once the researcher studies and analyses the primary and secondary sources for the literature review,he must take points and write every idea in a precise paragraph with valid arguments.Researcher must focus on his or her area of study by documenting particular examples or observations in the class(Kervin et al.,2006). Research Question or Hypothesis Defining research question or hypothesis is the integral part of research study because research proceeds on it.The question must be clear either general or specific.It is because a clearly defined and specific question leads to a better research plan;helps in quality data collection; gain solid knowledge;and lesser change of errors(Kervin et al.,2006). What are two differences between qualitative and quantitative research designs? Provide examples where appropriate. The major difference in

What is the current, on-going and increasing demand and short supply Essay

What is the current, on-going and increasing demand and short supply for IT resources - Essay Example In 2013 for instance, there was a huge demand by the young generation of people in purchasing electronic gadgets likes tablets, i-phones, internet enabled phones, computers, among others, just for the sole purpose of being able to access the web. There has been growing interest among youths to have any information technology device that can enable them access the internet and be on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram among others (Croft). As the world is becoming a global village, people sort out any means that would connect them, creating the increased demand and short supply in IT resources. People have come to appreciate the importance of information technology in their lives currently. In looking at some of the trends which companies need to have in order to remain relevant in the near future, include something like diversification to mobile platforms (Wang 13). Companies are shifting their marketing strategies and building mobile friendly websites and applications for their consumers. According to a survey conducted in 2013, the number of mobile users had increased. It was found out that many people used their mobile phones to access their internet and do most of their stuff their when compared to desktop devices. In a way not to lose potential clients, most companies opted to introduce mobile friendly websites and applications which their clients can relate to easily (Wang 233). Another trend currently gaining popularity is people fancying to get internet everywhere in every device that they have. For instance, in 2014, there was a rapid emergence of sensors which were internet-connected, hence making computers being able to process devices and physical systems (Croft). This trend is what is being called â€Å"Internet of Things† and has already made steps in transforming TVs, personal healthcare devices, appliances, cars, and thermostats (Wang 23). From my opinion, I believe quite a number of goods will become connected to

Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Research Paper - Essay Example Rate of Incarceration The United States has less than 5% of the world’s population, but incarcerate roughly a quarter of all the prisoners in the world. According to a report released by the Bureau of Prison Statistics, one out of every 32 adults in the United States was in prison, in jail, on probation, or on parole at the end of 2005. In fact, imprisonment has become the immediate response to far too many of the social problems that burden people who are ensconced in poverty. These problems often are veiled by being conveniently grouped together under the category "crime" and by the automatic attribution of criminal behavior to people of color. Homelessness, unemployment, drug addiction, mental illness, and illiteracy are only a few of the problems that disappear from public view when the human beings contending with them are relegated to cages. This system cannot last much longer, it’s stretched to the breaking point. There are too many prisoners for the system to be sustained. The only results are more violence, riots, racism. The system is failing because it was not designed to succeed. The criminal justice system disproportionately occupies people of color in the United States (Abramsky, 2008). According to Angela Davis, â€Å"Almost two million people are currently locked up in the immense network of U.S. prisons and jails. More than 70 percent of the imprisoned population are people of color. It is rarely acknowledged that the fastest growing group of prisoners is black women and that Native American prisoners are the largest group per capita.† We can see the impact socioeconomically by examining information from the Department of Justice itself, Irwin and Austin report that "Between 1980 and 1995, the prison population ballooned from 329,821 to 1,104,074--a rise of 235%" (Irwin & Austin, p.1). Zimring and Hawkins write "Never before has a prison system grown by so much in so short a time during a period of political and social stab ility" (Zimring & Hawkins, 1994 p.83). The incarceration rate in the U.S. increased from 138 per 100,000 in 1980 to 403 in 1995. "We now imprison at a higher rate than any other nation in the world, having recently surpassed South Africa" (Irwin & Austin, p.1). What we clearly see here is that mass imprisonment in local communities is continuing to grow faster and faster over time. The impact of this is astonishing when you consider the amount of individuals and families of non-caucasian decent who are harmed psychologically and physically because of a system clearly designed for the purpose of turning profit under the guise of helping the population. There are now about 1.5 million children in the U.S. who have a parent in prison. According to a report by Marc Mauer, â€Å"African American children, 1 of every 14 has a parent behind bars on any given day. Over the course of a year or an individual’s childhood, the figures would obviously be much greater. For these children, the experience of shame, stigma, and loss of financial and psychological support becomes a profound aspect of their life experience. The effect on these communities is compounded by the fact that imprisonment has become an almost inevitable aspect of the experience of growing up as a black male in the U.S. Government figures now show that a black male born today has a one in three chance of spending at least a year in prison at some point in his life. Thus,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Health Care Crisis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Health Care Crisis - Research Paper Example Each country has some rules and regulations that govern the health care system and they have to be adhered to. The universal health care has three tasks in each member of the society. It covers the following in every individual. The first one is the person who is to be covered with the system. Secondly, the services that the system has to offer to that person. Lastly, the total cost when carrying the person. In most developed countries, the universal health coverage is of much helpful to the residents. This has been made true, by the primary funds the government of these countries gets through the local residents. The government imposes tax to the residents and this becomes revenue to the country and which ensures that the country’s health care system achieves its goals. Also, some countries get funds the merchants and private sectors. The Soviet Union was the first one to establish the health care system in early 1937 and it was well redistributed towards its rural areas. Despite that America is among the wealthiest countries in the planet, it does not have universal health coverage unlike other developed countries. This is true because of some reasons or rather facts that have hindered America from diversifying its economy from universal health coverage which is a bit cheaper. Historically, the United States has never had a labor party which becomes successful. The low income earners in the United States were able to buy in most parts of the country. Land mobility was also encouraged and the middle class were also able to own the properties. This led to totally acquiring free land or quasi free land in most parts of the America. Consequently, a large number of the middle working class owned land in the United States, unlike in most parts of the planet where the land was owned by rich people. This resulted in failure of the labor party since there was no need of one voice to push for equity among the America’s

Fiji Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Fiji - Essay Example (Source: There is data available to show the population of Fiji in 2013 and how it relates to the total World Average. The Population of world averages at about 7,137 million people and to this number, Fiji adds about 0.9 million which is the total population of the republic. The projected population of Fiji is within the range of 1.1 million while the projected population statistics of the world is marked at about 9,727 million. According to this data, details show that the Crude Birth Rate is 21 in Fiji; it is higher than the world average. This would mean that more people get born as compared to the projected demographics. The total rate of fertility is recorded at 2.6 in Fiji that is a slight difference from the figure projected in average across the world at 2.5. This would mean that many more people are to be born because the crude birth rate and death rate are one point higher than the world average. Fiji, as a country is not fully developed and so it can be considered as a developing country. The proof of this is that the TFR (total fertility rate) of Fiji at the range of 2.6 which is somehow close to the world TFR and this makes Fiji one of the greatest reflections of the general rates of population growth expected from the entire world. The economy of this developing country is, however, still not fully developed because it relies on the tertiary industry to help facilitate the development of the economy to the levels that can be said to compete with other developing or developed countries in the world. The data presented to support this fact comes from the International Merchandise Trade Statistics whereby they showed provisional data for October 2013 which showed that the total imports were at $447.6 million while the total exports were shown to stand at $228.7 million. When comparisons are made with

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Health Care Crisis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Health Care Crisis - Research Paper Example Each country has some rules and regulations that govern the health care system and they have to be adhered to. The universal health care has three tasks in each member of the society. It covers the following in every individual. The first one is the person who is to be covered with the system. Secondly, the services that the system has to offer to that person. Lastly, the total cost when carrying the person. In most developed countries, the universal health coverage is of much helpful to the residents. This has been made true, by the primary funds the government of these countries gets through the local residents. The government imposes tax to the residents and this becomes revenue to the country and which ensures that the country’s health care system achieves its goals. Also, some countries get funds the merchants and private sectors. The Soviet Union was the first one to establish the health care system in early 1937 and it was well redistributed towards its rural areas. Despite that America is among the wealthiest countries in the planet, it does not have universal health coverage unlike other developed countries. This is true because of some reasons or rather facts that have hindered America from diversifying its economy from universal health coverage which is a bit cheaper. Historically, the United States has never had a labor party which becomes successful. The low income earners in the United States were able to buy in most parts of the country. Land mobility was also encouraged and the middle class were also able to own the properties. This led to totally acquiring free land or quasi free land in most parts of the America. Consequently, a large number of the middle working class owned land in the United States, unlike in most parts of the planet where the land was owned by rich people. This resulted in failure of the labor party since there was no need of one voice to push for equity among the America’s

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Sociology of Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Sociology of Education - Essay Example The paper tells that functionalism theory is structuralist in nature and though its influence has waned over the past decades, it still makes important contributions in education system and society. Functionalism holds that the main objective of education is maintenance of â€Å"social order in society†. To ensure maintenance of social order in the society, the theory emphasizes on indoctrinating new generations with norms and values contained in education curriculum. In United Kingdom, the sociological importance of functionalism has declined, but in education institutions, the theory continues playing a significant role in defining and shaping the guiding policies. According to Chris and Tony, the underlying ideologies of functionalism, which include competition, consensus and achievement through merit, define education in addition to politics in the United Kingdom. According to Hill and Cole, broad groups of people and their behaviour is the major focus of functionalism. In respect to the role of education in society, the theory focuses on several major aspects, namely institutional relationships and functional linkage with society and merit based systems. In relation to institutional relationships, functional theory emphasises on the role of education in linking other social institutions such as family with occupational engagements. In contemporary society, Cole argues education plays an important role in linking the basic unit of society with the workplaces through various mechanisms. For instance, education institutions develop the capacities of human resources through training. By setting various criteria for training of these professionals, education institutions ensure that the society has a balanced pool of human resources to meet its needs (David and Barry 1985). At personal or individual levels, functionalism theory holds that education acts as an agent of secondary socialisation (Gillborn, and Mirza, 2000). By expanding or broadening individ ual experience through education, a child is prepared to take over the role of an adult in workplaces and society (Arum, and Beattie, 2000, p72). Meritocracy, in functionalist perspective plays a major role in ensuring that education performs its role in socialisation and promoting institutional linkage. According to, David and Barry (1985, p53), meritocracy refers to a system that â€Å"offers rewards to an individual based on ability and effort†. Examples of rewards in the current society include job opportunities, high remuneration and elevated social status. Therefore, functionalists hold that rewards in society should be awarded to individuals who demonstrate high ability or effort rather than on grounds of nepotism, status of an individual or family background. In education, meritocracy has created competition in different levels of education because of various rewards offered on attaining a particular level. In United Kingdom, education qualifications at various levels such as GCSE and A levels determine the career that an individual can pursue or qualification for admission in available institutions of higher learning (Cole, 2009, p269). In

Monday, October 14, 2019

Attribution Theorists And Biased Judgements

Attribution Theorists And Biased Judgements Social psychologists have studied attribution theories for several decades, and their research has produced many interesting insights. The process of assigning a cause to ones own behaviour, or that of others can be defined as attribution (Hogg, 2005). Considering that attribution is complex, many theories have been constructed to demonstrate its performance. This essay will examine the evidence that biased laypersons judgements of others are inevitable by, first of all, focusing on explaining three classic theories of attribution, then paying particular attention to biases in attribution in order to fully answer the question under investigation. Attribution theory is concerned with how individuals make sense of their environment and how this affects their cognition and behavior (x). There exist three classic views on attribution that continue to be especially influential. The first of these classic theories is Fritz Heiders (1958) theory of naive psychology where the layperson is viewed as a naive scientist who links observable behaviour to unobservable causes. Also Heider made a significant distinction between internal (dispositional) and external (situational) attributions. It was also underlined that individuals look for causes of others behaviours in order to find out their motives and give some sense of control in their lives (Hewstone, 1990). Related to Heiders theory is Jones and Davis (1965) theory of correspondent inference which is concerned with how people use information about others behaviour and its effects in order to find out their underlying dispositions and personality traits. Of particular interest is beha viour that is freely chosen, produces non-common effects (effects produced by a particular cause that could not be produced by any other apparent cause), and is low in social desirability. The last and the best known theory of attribution is Kelleys (1967) covariation model where Kelley believes that people act like scientists when they try to discover the causes of behaviour. People are interested whether others behaviour stems from internal (motives, traits) or external (social, physical world) causes, or both of them at the same time. In order to answer this question, individuals focus on three types of information that can be defined as consistence, distinctiveness and consensus (Baron, Branscombe, Byrne, 2006). Heider (1958), Davis and Jones (1965) together with Kelley (1967) have acknowledged that attribution is subject to many potential sources of bias. It has been noted that a bias occurs if the social perceiver systematically distorts (overestimates or underestimates) a procedure that is known to be correct (Fiske and Taylor, 1984). People constantly use cognitive shortcuts that are called heuristics in order to make attributions. Apart from being not always objectively correct, biases in attribution are entirely satisfactory and adaptive characteristics of everyday social perception (Ross, 1977). In terms of studying how people interpret their social worlds, social psychologists have identified 3 general biases that often affect peoples attributions and explanations. One of the most important of these biases is the fundamental attribution error, that is the tendency to explain others actions as stemming from dispositional causes even when situational causes are at present. Social psychologists have conducted numerous studies to find out the reasons that determine the occurrence of these biases (Robins et al, 1996), though the issue is still to some extent uncertain. One possibility is that when people observe another persons behaviour, they tend to focus on his or her actions and the situational behaviour tends to fade away in the background. Another explanation is that people notice such situational causes but give them insufficient weight in their attributions. An experiment conducted by Amabile, Ross and Steinmetz (2000) illustrates fundamental attribution error. In this experiment they set up a quiz show design in which they randomly assigned participants to one of two roles. First was a questioner whose task it was to prepare difficult questions for a contestant, and second was a contestant whose task it was to answer the questions prepared by the questioner. An observer watched the quiz show and then estimated the questioners and the contestants general knowledge. They found that observers thought that the questioners were far more knowledgeable than the contestants. However, everyone was assigned to conditions randomly, so it was highly unlikely that one group was more clever than the other. The most interesting thing is that observers did know that participants were randomly assigned to their roles, yet they failed to consider the impact of that knowledge in making their judgement. Fundamental attribution error is not limited only to quiz shows, its implications are far more encompassing. For example, peoples common reaction to convicted criminals are that they are terrible human beings and that is why they committed a crime. However, there can be many factors other than personal characteristics that explain why a person commits a crime. These include lack of job opportunities, the lack of positive role models in the family and neighborhood, growing up in a dysfunctional family and many others (Aronson, 2003). In addition to this, Nisbett and Ross (1980) argued that the english language allows easy description of action and actor in the same terms but it gets more complicated when using the same terms in order to describe the situation. For example, it is possible to talk about honest and generous person or honest and generous action but not a honest and generous situation. This demonstrates that linguistic factors have an important role in making attributions. People are certainly unaware of this phenomena beca use this is the way they have been taught from childhood and is something that happens without conscious thought. An equally common bias in social judgement is the actor-observer effect, in other words, the self-other effect that is really an extension of the fundamental attribution error. The actor-observer effect refers to the tendency for people to attribute others behaviour to dispositional factors and their own behaviour to situational factors (Jones Nisbett, 1972). For example, in general, students tend to explain their poor performance in exams in terms of the difficulty of the test items whereas they tend to explain others poor performance in terms of their ability and personality. There exist several explanations for actor-observer effect. Firstly, according to Jones et al (1972), the informational factors are very important as the actors have access to a much wider range of information about the factors leading to their own actions. For example, behaviour that can be expressed in a party. Secondly, actors and observers have different perspectives. The actors attention is usually focus ed on the environment. On the other hand, the observers attention is usually focused on the actor and his or her behaviour rather than the background, which is why the observer may be unaware of why the actor behaved like this. Evidence for this explanation comes from Storms (1972) experiment where he had two subjects engaged in a conversation while two observers watched it, and were instructed to monitor the behaviours of one or the other actors. Results showed that the actors were more likely to explain their behaviour in terms of the situation and the observers in terms of personality dispositions. However, this was not the only thing they found. Storm (1972) also demonstrated that when the participants were shown a video tape of their conversation from the same angle as they saw it, actor-observer bias had occurred. On the contrary, when the video tape was shown from the reverse angle, the actors saw themselves from the observers point of view and tended to attribute their behav iour in terms of dispositional factors. This is a clear example of how biases are inevitable in everyday life. In order to avoid biases, one has to see others point of view but that is not an easy task to accomplish. One more bias can be identified in relation to attributions for success and failure. The self-serving bias refers to a tendency for people to attribute internally and take credit for their successes, the self-enhancing bias, or attribute externally and deny the responsibility for their failures, the self-protecting bias. For instance, gamblers perceive their successes as based on their skill and their failures as unlucky chances (Gilovich, 1983). Kingdom (1967) provided an example of self-serving bias from the political world. He interviewed American politicians five months after the general election and asked them to describe the factors that led to their victories or defeats. Results indicated that the politicians tended to attribute successes to internal factors such as hard work, personality and reputation. On the other hand, they tended to attribute their failures to external factors, for example, lack of money, the familiar name of their opponent and state trends. It is importa nt to understand the reasons why people engage in biases. Miller and Ross (1979) suggested that the self-enhancing bias could be explained in relation to the cognition model. People in general expect to succeed rather than fail and, therefore, are more likely to make self-attributions for expected than unexpected outcomes. For example, couples estimate their contribution to housework differently. Individuals are more likely to keep track of every job they do at home such as dusting or washing the dishes but when it comes to estimating the partners contribution, not all of their work is successfully remembered. This effect could be due to differential attention and memory (Aronson, 2003). However, the cognitive perspective alone cannot explain all the examples of self-serving biases. Another explanation for self-serving biases is that people are motivated to engage themselves in attributions in order to protect their self-esteem (Greenberg, 1982). It is evident from the experiments o f Weary (1999) that self-serving bias increases when the person is highly involved in that particular behaviour and when other people are watching. Self-serving bias occurs when an individuals self is threatened or when that individual has an opportunity to achieve and maintain a positive image of the self. To conclude, people do make judgements very quickly based on minimal information. As it has been demonstrated above, the reasons humans make biases seem varied and complex and different research reflects this (Storm, 1972; Ross et al, 1979; Kingdom, 1967; Amabile et al, 2000; Jones et al, 1972). Every day people try to justify themselves and their behaviour with the help of biases such as fundamental attribution error, actor-observer effect and self-serving bias. By using heuristics, individuals interpret and distort the meaning of their actions and the world around them, and make attributions that are very adaptive but not always correct. The situations people find themselves in, the cues they face and frustrations they may experience, also all appear to have the ability to inflame an aggressive response. Attribution is an important part of human existence and, although much has been achieved to aid the understanding of this behaviour, it is for now still reasonable to conclude that attribution is indeed an inevitable and inescapable part of our lives.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Magical Realism in House of the Spirits vs. Realism in Madame Bovary Es

Through the application of Realism, Gustave Flaubert demonstrates Emma’s detachment of the death of the characters in Madame Bovary, which contrasts to Isabel Allende’s demonstration of Clara’s attachment to the death of the characters in The House of the Spirits by utilizing Magical Realism. In The House of the Spirits, the characters all share a spiritual bond, which leads to emotional and spiritual connections for Clara during the death of the characters. On the contrary, in Madame Bovary, Emma Bovary depicts a realistic and natural character in society which portrays her selfishness, lack of emotions, and overall detachment towards the death of the others. Both of these connections are demonstrated through Realism and Magical Realism. The author stylistically ascribes negative personality traits prior to the death of a character. These negative characteristics portray the character as corrupt. In the text, Homais furiously mentions, â€Å"You[Justin] are on a downward path†(Flaubert 231). The textual evidence indirectly describes the flaws of Emma. The excuse of Justin committing a crime and Emma’s presence â€Å"coincidentally† in the text or purposely by Flaubert exemplifies reality. Furthermore, the blind beggar mentions, â€Å"Dream of love and of love always,† before the death of Emma (Flaubert 300). In the text, the blind beggar is singing a song, although the song implies traits of Emma. Emma always desires and dreams of love which provides the purpose for the song and demonstrates her not being satisfied with the love Charles provides for her. Additionally, Flaubert mentions, â€Å"Charles was suffocating like a youth beneath the vague love influences that filled his aching he art,† (321) which implies that he still loves Emma dearly. Th... ...onnected due to the fact that ‘I slept badly and dreamt again of Rosa† (Allende 203). The diction of â€Å"again† in the text proves that thinking of Rosa occurs multiple times and that her spirit is connected with him. Additionally, Barrabas reappears multiple times, for example: â€Å"It was the last, ignominious vestige of faithful Barrabas† (Allende 269). Although Barrabas died many centuries ago, he is encountered with Blanca and Alba. He displays the most spiritual reconnection with the characters through detail more than any of the other characters throughout the novel. Allende’s House of the Spirits demonstrate emotional connections and remembrances amongst Clara and the characters through the application of Magical Realism which contrasts to Flaubert’s Madame Bovary which demonstrates Emma’s characterization and lack of emotion towards the death of the characters.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Emerson Defines Beauty in The Poet Essay -- Emerson Poet Essays

Emerson Defines Beauty in The Poet Just what is beauty? We all have our own definition of beauty because everyone has there own distinctive style and attractiveness. Therefore, we must respect why some people find beauty in things while others would not simply because beauty is truly in the eyes of the beholder. Now we all are attracted to all sorts of things, but have you ever asked yourself why? Is it simply because it is beautiful or does the meaning go beyond that? I tend to believe the latter is true so lets take love for example. It is the most beautiful thing in the world because you get a sense of being, are likely attracted to the person you are in love with, it stimulates you and you probably feel complete. However, beauty does not always have to be attractive or unique it is what taps into your emotions and causes you to want more and more. Emerson defines beauty in a totally different light. He believes that only a poet can truly capture beauty because only a poet has the vision, words and intelligence to interpret events and put them into a form that is so appealing to the eyes of readers. Emerson does have a point that poets do have a way with words, but what about the average individual? Everyone has their own way of expressing feelings, needs and emotion, and that is the beauty of it all. On the other hand Emerson argues that poets can only truly define beauty and express it with elegant wording. In addition, he believes that everyday events of life are beautiful when he says, "And this hidden truth, that the fountains whence all this river of Time, and its creatures floweth, are intrinsically ideal and beautiful, draws us to the consideration of the nature and functions of the Poet, or the man of Beau... ...eauty because he sees it, understands it and thoughts of it roll off his head and never stop coming. Beauty is and will always stimulate the mind. Ultimately the burden lies in the poets hands to paint a picture which in turn will stimulate the readers imagination, and the reader may even find a deeper meaning if the poet writes a poem so effectively that the reader is left wondering and questioning themselves. Everyone has a different definition of beauty and that is perfectly fine because no two people are the same. Beauty may not always be appealing at first but since a poet has a way with words and thoughts he could probably turn just about anything into a new light and thus seen as beautiful. WORKS CITED Emerson, Ralph Waldo. The Poet. The Heath Anthology of American Literature. 3rd ed. Ed. Paul Lauter. Boston, New york: houghton mifflin, 1998. Emerson Defines Beauty in The Poet Essay -- Emerson Poet Essays Emerson Defines Beauty in The Poet Just what is beauty? We all have our own definition of beauty because everyone has there own distinctive style and attractiveness. Therefore, we must respect why some people find beauty in things while others would not simply because beauty is truly in the eyes of the beholder. Now we all are attracted to all sorts of things, but have you ever asked yourself why? Is it simply because it is beautiful or does the meaning go beyond that? I tend to believe the latter is true so lets take love for example. It is the most beautiful thing in the world because you get a sense of being, are likely attracted to the person you are in love with, it stimulates you and you probably feel complete. However, beauty does not always have to be attractive or unique it is what taps into your emotions and causes you to want more and more. Emerson defines beauty in a totally different light. He believes that only a poet can truly capture beauty because only a poet has the vision, words and intelligence to interpret events and put them into a form that is so appealing to the eyes of readers. Emerson does have a point that poets do have a way with words, but what about the average individual? Everyone has their own way of expressing feelings, needs and emotion, and that is the beauty of it all. On the other hand Emerson argues that poets can only truly define beauty and express it with elegant wording. In addition, he believes that everyday events of life are beautiful when he says, "And this hidden truth, that the fountains whence all this river of Time, and its creatures floweth, are intrinsically ideal and beautiful, draws us to the consideration of the nature and functions of the Poet, or the man of Beau... ...eauty because he sees it, understands it and thoughts of it roll off his head and never stop coming. Beauty is and will always stimulate the mind. Ultimately the burden lies in the poets hands to paint a picture which in turn will stimulate the readers imagination, and the reader may even find a deeper meaning if the poet writes a poem so effectively that the reader is left wondering and questioning themselves. Everyone has a different definition of beauty and that is perfectly fine because no two people are the same. Beauty may not always be appealing at first but since a poet has a way with words and thoughts he could probably turn just about anything into a new light and thus seen as beautiful. WORKS CITED Emerson, Ralph Waldo. The Poet. The Heath Anthology of American Literature. 3rd ed. Ed. Paul Lauter. Boston, New york: houghton mifflin, 1998.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Harcourt Brace & Company Essay

The essence of the female self in Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse is one that encapsulates unity above a disparaging patriarchy. The second part of the book Time Passes emphasizes this point with the symbolism prevalent in the war. That is to say, that while men seek out self-pity as Mr. Ramsey does, as men seek to conquer and control through force or coercion as Mr. Ramsey does by trying to get his wife to tell him she loves him, women are the counterpart to this chaos. Virginia Woolf presents women in her novel as quite capable of being power figures while retaining a distinct feminine side. The following essay will present the argument that To the Lighthouse is a novel primarily observant of the differences of the traditional versus the modern female role. Both of these roles are presented accurately in Mrs. Ramsey’s personality. It is her dichotomy of the role of female that this paper will argue is the balance between modern and traditional woman. In Mrs. Ramsey’s character is found the conglomeration of both modern and traditional roles for women. She at once prioritizes herself to fit the needs and fulfill the needs of the men around her. For example, she offers her husband loving support whenever he reveals himself to be self-pitying. She does not chastise him but encourages hope in all of her relations with her husband. This means that even though as a modern woman she cannot bring herself to say the words I love you, she does in fact love him, and she shows it through analogy by agreeing with his mandates. One such mandate is that the trip to the lighthouse that their son James wants so fervently to go on cannot be accomplished because the weather the next day will be too rough of a voyage. Although Mrs. Ramsay does not tell her husband she loves him, her acquiesce to his command says as much. She is willing to allow her husband to know her feelings only through metaphor and symbols, not through actual words. This is very much a modern woman because a traditional woman would not have enough personality to oppose the wants of her husband by still giving him what he wants in a fashion. In addition, Mrs. Ramsay acquiesces with most of the men who are guests at the house. This shows the more traditional side of her as a woman. Her attention is more centered on the male guests needs than it is for the women who are also staying at the house. This focused attention proves that Mrs. Ramsey is being presented by Woolf in a more structured outline of the traditional woman. Mrs. Ramsey caters to the men’s needs in whatever capacity possible. However, she only caters to them because she believes they are not strong enough to support themselves or do too much of anything independently. She lavishes the men in the house will support in their direction and opinions because she believes they need constant attention because a they have fragile self-esteem. This self-esteem is emphasized with the portrayal Woolf delivers of Mr. Ramsey. Although Mrs. Ramsey supports and loves her husband, she too finds it difficult to constantly give him affirmation. Another capacity by which Mrs. Ramsey plays the traditional female role is through her motherhood. It is James that most of her attention is devoted. Even though James holds great resentment towards his father for denying him his wish to visit the lighthouse, Mrs. Ramsey persists in giving James hope that it may be possible. She does this not to promise something false but to keep alive in her son the sense of wonderment in life. This does not fit the description of a modern woman. The idea of tradition being enveloped inside of motherhood is one that Woolf delivers with exact replication with Mrs. Ramsey. With Augustus Carmichael, she behaves in the same fashion as she does with her son James and her husband. Mrs. Ramsey is not very fond of Augustus but when she makes a trip into town, she asks him if there is anything, he is in need of. She does this simple act of kindness because she believes in the good in people and is not a cynic. In the dichotomy of the traditional and modern female role the catering to the needs of men, even men for which a woman cares nothing for, it is in Mrs. Ramsey’s traditional female nature, her motherhood, to give to men their desires. According to Woolf in her novel, To the Lighthouse men are more like children than like adults. It is with men that wars are started (as is evident in the second part of the book). Men are centered on their ego; therefore, their world exists around them and everything is focused on their needs. Children are the same way. Children exist in their own world, and in this world, their desires are fulfilled indefinitely and unconditionally. By this statement, it is evident that the traditional role that Mrs. Ramsey fulfills in the novel is by the above definition a role she fulfills as a mother. Therefore, contingently, Mrs. Ramsey is not only at once fulfilling a traditional role, by also a modern female role. This is accomplished by Woolf through Mrs. Ramsay by presenting to the reader Mrs. Ramsey as a mother and by extension her role as a mother as it pertains to men. Mrs. Ramsey treats men the way she treats men (as children) because she is a mother. She is not subservient to men as a traditional female role would declare but instead as a mother she transcends the traditional role into the modern female role because she believes that men need her help because they are incapable of helping themselves. Mrs. Ramsey’s traditional role in the novel morphs into a modern role as the book progresses. In this progression, the reader can witness how Mrs. Ramsey changes her roles by small revelations that the character herself gives the reader. It is not therefore necessary to say that there exists a breadth of difference for Mrs. Ramsey between being a traditional woman to being a modern woman, but it is prevalent to state that by these small revelations to the audience into the depth of Mrs. Ramsey’s character that she was always intended to be portrayed as a modern woman. The transition between traditional to modern woman can more aptly be seen in Lily Briscoe’s character. At the beginning of the book, she is a traditional woman because she lacks self-confidence. She allows the opinion of the men in the house to undermine her work as a painter and by succumbing to their ideas; she is not a dominant character and therefore a modern woman. The traditional woman is seen as submissive and without threat to men’s opinions; Lily fulfills this in the first part of Woolf’s novel. Before the end of the first part of the book however, Lily is being presented with more of a modern woman personality. This is seen in her rejection of Mrs. Ramsey’s life. Mrs. Ramsey is representational of the traditional woman because she is married and she has children. With Lily’s character, Woolf designs a less likely candidate for motherhood. Lily cannot see herself fulfilling the role of a mother and so as the novel progresses her docile nature is surpassed by her stronger self; that is the self which denies tradition, foregoes motherhood and focuses on the self and its needs. The real transition of traditional to modern female roles can best be witnessed in the portrait Lily paints of Mrs. Ramsey. At the beginning of the novel, Lily attempts to bring to life the spirit of Mrs. Ramsey in a portrait. The men of the house give their stalwart opinions about its composition, its line, color, and size. Lily, in her traditional female role, tries to listen to each man and do what they believe would make a better painting. The painting is subsequently abandoned by Lily who signifies her unloading the opinions of others to try to find out what it is she wants to do. At the end of the novel, Lily once again picks up the painting in hopes of trying to finish it. With the second attempt at the painting, Lily realizes her own artistic vision. She is no longer plagued by following anyone else’s guidelines to her own art and begins painting with only her opinions in mind. Lily is dedicated to finishing the painting and does so with only her own voice to guide her. This revelation signifies the transition for Lily in Woolf’s novel from tradition female who panders to the male audience to a Lily who bears witness to her thoughts only. This means that Lily is strong enough as a woman to deny the right of anyone telling her how to attempt her own vision and to paint according to her own unique style. The painting is representational of how Lily was once burdened by the patriarch and egotistical opinions of the men in the house and at the close of the novel she is finally able to see the fruition of not only her painting but the audience can also see how Woolf lead the audience through Lily’s struggles and finally at the end she becomes her own woman. The accomplishment of the painting also represents how Lily feels on equal grounds with Mr. Ramsey. Mr. Ramsey being a symbol of all men and their facade of superiority is it significant that Lily finally feels on equal grounds with Mr. Ramsey because this means she has found self worth. This can best be seen in the fact that Lily is painting Mrs. Ramsey’s portrait in order to prove to Charles Tansley that women can paint and write. By finishing this painting Lily if proving not only to herself but also to men that women are more than capable of great artistic accomplishments. Self-worth is a primary attribute of the modern woman in Woolf novels, and To the Lighthouse is no exception. The pairing of these two women exemplifies how traditional roles and modern roles for women were enforced through patriarchy. The purpose of the novel and the emphasis on the roles of women and the fulfilling of these roles through Woolf’s characters portrays a significant divergence from typical feminist literature. Mrs. Ramsey affirms herself through her motherhood and the way in which this affects her view of all men; that they are more like children who need a guiding hand. Mr. Ramsey fulfills this role of ego and so the novel is complete with the victory of matriarchy over patriarchy even with the involvement of motherhood which is seen more as a traditional female role. It is with Lily however that a more complete vision of the modern woman may be seen. It is also, with her finishing the painting that the unity which Mrs. Ramsey sought at the beginning of the novel is accomplished. This unity is found in Lily realizing herself to be equal to the ego of man; in particular Mr. Ramsey. It is Mr. Ramsey, who, at the end of the novel becomes less significant because of his constant need for affirmation. Due to Lily not being able to give him this only proves that she has become a modern woman because Mrs. Ramsey as a traditional woman pandered to her husband’s needs but Lily has broken the tie between Mr. Ramsey’s wants herself. In closing it must be re-emphasized that while Mrs. Ramsey does portray a more traditional women she also transcends these lines by her own view of the world and her interaction with it. She gives men what they want because she feels as though they are in need of her guidance; the motherhood role. For Lily however who denies this role, she is a modern woman because she finally unfetters herself from the overwhelming voices of egoism and maleness in the house and by doing this she is finally able to finish her painting. It is with the painting that the true role of the modern woman is best expressed by Woolf. The modern woman, or Lily in the novel is a woman who is not in need of affirmation as the men were portrayed to be (i. e. Mr. Ramsey) but she is independent and follows through with her own artistic vision and voice. Bibliography Woolf, Virginia. (1981). To the Lighthouse. Harcourt Brace & Company. New York.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Investwrite Essay

InvestWrite Essay If you need help planning your financial future, then I am the one to help you. Through trial and error, learning from my mistakes, and just getting a better understanding of stocks, The Stock Market Game has greatly improved my knowledge on stocks and has made me an excellent source of information on investing. For the couple that is in their late twenties, I would ask them a series of questions like, â€Å"How much money do you plan on investing? †, â€Å"How long do you have to save? †, and â€Å"Are you willing to take some risks? Since the couple wants to save for their retirement and save up for their child’s college expenses, I would advise that they invest in a variety of stocks. First, I would recommend they invest in Sprint stock. With its low current price at around three dollars, they are bound to make some money, especially with the holiday season so close. Another reason they should pick Sprint, is that it is a fairly large corpor ation, which means that it’s somewhat stable and can benefit the couple in the long and short run. Second, I would recommend they invest in a more pricy stock, Procter and Gamble.Although it’s higher priced, around sixty dollars, this stock comes with dividends and is great no matter the state of the Stock Market. With brands like Bounty, Gain, Pampers, IAMS, and even Pringles, people are never going to stop buying these items just because the Stock Market goes down. That being said, this stock is very stable and will definitely help balance the couple’s portfolio. Third and finally, I would recommend they invest in PepsiCo. With its multiple food related items such as Frito-Lay chips and all the Pepsi related soft drinks, this somewhat pricy stock, is a great way to keep the couple’s portfolio balanced.With the nice addition of dividends, this stock is a sure fire way to make the couple money in the long run. I based my recommendations on a variety of th ings. I looked mostly to see if the stock price was on the rise or going down the drain. If I didn’t think that it would make money, I didn’t choose it. Secondly, I looked for dividends. Dividends are basically money you get from the company’s earnings for each share of their stock you own. So if the company makes money, then you make money. Dividends are usually found on the higher priced stocks, but re great for long term investors. Thirdly, I went for diversification. You want to keep a diversified portfolio so that if one of your stocks fails, then you have something to back it up. If you keep all of your stocks in one related industry, if one fails, then all of your stocks will go down as well. Fourth and foremost, I thought of risk and reward. Risk and reward are important because it bases what stocks are suitable for which people. Younger people can take a higher risk because they have time to earn their money back if a stock or two fails.Older people hav e a lower risk because they usually don’t have a source of regular fixed income, so they can’t earn their money back. All of these factors were key when picking my recommended stocks. Through trial and error, learning from mistakes, and gathering basic knowledge, The Stock Market game has helped so much by giving me the essential tools for picking stocks, diversifying portfolios, and overall just making money in the Stock Market. And it is with these tools that I have recommended these stocks to this couple to which I am sure they will meet both of their goals of saving for retirement, and saving for their child’s college.Works Cited â€Å"PEP: Summary for Pepsico, Inc. Common Stock- Yahoo! Finance. †Ã‚  Yahoo! Finance – Business Finance, Stock Market, Quotes, News. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. . â€Å"PG: Summary for Procter & Gamble Company (The) – Yahoo! Finance. †Ã‚  Yahoo! Finance – Business Finance, Stock Market, Quotes, News. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. . â€Å"S: Summary for Sprint Nextel Corporation Comm- Yahoo! Finance. †Ã‚  Yahoo! Finance – Business Finance, Stock Market, Quotes, News. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. .

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Aventure of the Red Tape Gang

Adventures of the Red Tape Gang are a mystery book. It was write in the United States of America in 1974 by Joan Lowery Nixon, she was born in February 3 of 1927 in Los Angeles, California, United States she was an American journalist and author, specializing in historical fiction and mysteries for children and young adults. Then Joan Lowery Nixon is the only four-time winner of the Mystery Writers of America Edgar Allan Poe Award and a two-time winner of the California Young Reader Medal. She died in June 23, 2003. The story start in a place in Los Angeles in the middle of 1974, all the history will be narrated for Michael that is the main character in that book. One day Michael was talking with his family when he said them one morning the crime rate in Los Angeles because in those moments the city was suffering many problems with the delinquency. Michael desired to build one clubhouse with Tommy and Jimmy, Leroy, Dorothy and Linda Jean that was a person that always liked to take the big risks in adventures of gang. Michael's fathers everyday liked to read the newspapers; he was very informed about the acts that were passing in the city. Especially in those day arisen some problems near from the Michael's house and his red gang like they called their group decided to investigate the origin of problems, they were very informed with the news of newspaper that Michael's father had. Problems had been in a house that was near from the clubhouse and they wanted to solve problems. They one night went to check what was happening over there because in the newspaper was announcement many bad acts. They arrived to the house that was alone, nobody lived in that house, they saw by the window what had inside, but they just saw that inside just had one little light, they decided to return to their clubhouse and to make a schedule to be checking in different days what was happening there. Days later they saw a person outside the house but he looked strange person, then one black truck arrived there and they were talking and then they leaved from there, but it was not normal. The group wanted that anything else was their identification in the name of the gang and they decided to choose the name or Red Tape Gang because many groups have a specific name. They one day went to the house again and in that time they had many problems, in this time the turn was to Linda Jean, because she went in to the house but never saw that bad people was inside the house and she could not to come back with their friend because she stayed there and people when they leaved to there close the door, but they never saw that she was there. In his moment Michaels and his friends went to their houses to find tools and keys to open the door but everything was useless. Then bad people came back to the house, but Linda Jean was still inside the house and they saw her. In this moment start the climax because she took a gum that strange people had inside of house, so in this moment her friends got to open the door and they saw the problems that Linda Jean was living. In this moment they run away . to a police that was in the corner of a street and he arrived to the house to see what was going on. There the police took care of that problem and solve the mysterious. Story end in the moment that the policeman solved difficulties. End. The book is especially for young man because the idea and setting is very interesting. It is easy to catch what the author wants to transmit to people that reads that book. The main point that the author wants is that when the people is reading this book the readers can imagine the situation and they can live the emotion of the characters are living in each situation that they have. Is very important to know the kind of literature we are reading in that book, in this case we are reading fiction, and the book is designate for everybody like mysterious stories. I recommend that book because in the moment that you are reading you feel that you are one more character in the story, because is not easy that many book to get involve the reader in the story. For example in the fiction the author just write the things trying to give it’s a logic, but the main purpose that author wants is that the reader can image the lecture and then the reader try to be involve in that to forget the difficulties or problems that you are living. The most important thing is to think like a child and to have much imagination. Other thing is that book has an easy vocabulary, because it permits that almost everybody that knows or can understand English can read. Reading book permit us to put in practice our skills in foreign language. In that book is very important the use of some techniques that helps the understanding of the lecture for example to compare two or three ideas in the paragraph tat we can denominate Analogy. In that’s kind books is very common to live an emotional sense when the author just with words is involving you in the story (Connotation). Lectures permit to do personifications in the moment that you are reading the text, because you are going to imagining the things that are missing. The most important key in one book is to catch all the interest of the audience and it is the job to the author to get all the interest of people. The Mood in this book is very important in that book because the atmosphere is very interesting and you don’t want to stop to read the book, because you are implicit in that. The key in any book is the Plot, to know the progress of story and in that book is very used for the author to give the suspense necessary to develop the story.