Thursday, February 20, 2020

Recommended strategy for Delta Airline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Recommended strategy for Delta Airline - Essay Example The current and revised objectives of the organization is to provide ‘safe and reliable’ transport by air, provide ‘distinctive customer service’ as well as embrace higher standards of ‘hospitality’ in trading operations (Pratt institute, 2014). The achievement/realization of the objectives as they are is wholly dependent on the adoption of appropriate strategies by the organization. In fact, the effectiveness of imposing the strategies as they are determine the realization of the objectives and thus it is sure that proper implementation of the strategies is the only most feasible way of ensuring realization of the objectives as they are. The cooperation has certain major alternative strategies as the driving force for the realization of the set objectives. The strategies as they are meant to facilitate the realization of ‘improved customer experiences’, good and strong ‘balance sheet’ as well as increased ‘revenue generation’ for the cooperation. The major strategies that have been pointed out have been reduction in fuel costs, reduced product and employee costs, improve customer experience through modernization, targeting numbers and improving on competition (Moskowitz, 2013). The company designs and imposes business strategies through cooperate agreements which is effective in aiding in building corporate interest and trust. In reducing fuel costs, the strategy has been imposed through the purchase of an oil refinery (trainer oil refinery) which has the capacity of helping the cooperation cut on the costs up to about $300 million in an year. This strategy holds a lot in benef its to be reaped basic of which is on reduction in operation costs and increase in profit margins for the cooperation. However, it has the shortcoming that initial investment into the buying of the refinery is very high and hence may destabilize the operating balance sheet to the company. In reducing costs of operation and employee costs, the cooperation looks

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